Sights from #SlowExposures 2012

Last month I went to the Slow Exposures photo festival in Pike County, Georgia.  It was the second year I attended.  I almost didn't go.  There is a juried exhibition, which I didn't get into this year, and the prospect of going and not showing something didn't appeal to me when I first got the email notification.  But when I got the rejection letter, one of the organizers had added a handwritten note, saying she hoped I came anyway. I had a good time last year, so I decided to go anyway.​

​I'm glad I did.  There were several good photography shows to see, interesting panels to go to, and good parties, too.  I'm going to have to make this an annual trip, even if I don't make the show.

John Bennette, curator of the 10-year retrospective show at the Whiskey Bonding barn discussing his choices.​

​Photographers Sylvia Plachy and Ernesto Bazan chatting at the Whiskey Bonding barn reception.

​Joy Walker, a supporter of Slow Exposures, who just happens to be the first woman pilot for Delta Airlines.  She has fantastic stories.  I'd buy a book she writes in a second.

Anna Walker Stillman, Jack Spencer and Elisabeth Biondi, some of the panelists for the Saturday Salon.​

Jerry Siegel shares some of his images during the Slow Book Afternoon.​

Ernesto Bazan talks about his award-winning books.​

Jerry Siegel, Jerry Atnip and Ernesto Bazan wrap up Slow Book Afternoon.​